Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Selalu begini

Thank you for the continued interest you have shown in P&G and for investing significant time in our recruitment process. We enjoyed speaking with you and having the opportunity to learn more about your background and experiences.

After carefully assessing your qualification and interview results with our current needs, we are sorry to tell you that we are unable to offer you to join P&G ASEAN Bussiness Challenges opportunity with our Company at this time. A closer review of your interview results, in relation to the needs of P&G functions you are most interested in, does not indicate a sufficient match.

This decision does not reflect negatively on your ability to be successful in your chosen field. It merely means that we are looking for other qualities. Please understand that we can only access your qualifications not in the absolute, but relative way to our own specific needs.

Although we cannot consider you for to join P&G ASEAN Bussiness Challenge opportunity, we hope you will continue to be interested in Procter & Gamble after you graduated. We would like you to recontact us one year after your latest P&G test, if you want to be considered for future employment. In the meantime, I encourage you to keep doing your best in any activities you’re involved in, whether it’s academic, organization, committee, social activity, religious events, and others.

We wish you the best of luck in your study. Thank you again for your interest in Procter & Gamble, and we hope to hear from you again in the future.

Selalu begini..

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