Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm now a tweenager

Waa..hari ini gue ulang tahun!! Happy birthday ke gue sendiri..hahaha.... Dan sekarang gue bingung. JEDER!! 20 tahun?? Gila... beneran udah 20 tahun ni umur gue.. Mungkin terdengar norak ya, tapi gue bener2 blom siap ni, ntar tiba2 gue udah 25, tau2 30, dan gue masi ga tau harus ngapain atau bakal jadi apa hidup gue nanti..ckckck....

Tapi anyway, gue seneng banget banyak temen gue yang perhatian sama gue dan inget ulang tahun gue (meskipun sebenernya pada inget karna ada notification di facebook si, tapi gapapa, at least udah pada ngasih ucapan ke gue). Banyak juga yang sms happy birthday ke gue. It's all simple, tapi meaningful banget buat gue.

Dan karna gue ga pengen membiarkan ucapan-ucapan ke gue itu berlalu gitu aja (karna di wall nanti pasti lama kelamaan bakal kehapus), jadi semuanya akan gue dokumentasikan disini. JRENG here it goes.

David Riswanto (23 Sept 2009 12:22pm): hey happy birthday
Nagarjuna Virya (24 Sept 2009 7:39pm): happy birthday, wish u'll be the best, hehe..... btw pa kbr lo? msh inget g khan?
Arifin Tang (24 Sept 2009 8:51pm): hepi bde k..
Johan Adiguna
(25 Sept 2009 12:01am): eh si jun ultah.. happy birthday ya.. nanti abis marvin nraktir ntn g-force, lu nraktir makan2 ya.. wkwk.. *kyny bentar lagi ud lgsg dicomment nih.. kyny ud siap bgt bales comment.. haha*
Sendy Kosidin (
25 Sept 2009 12:03am): hepi bday ya.. wish u all the best..
Agnes Paredandan (
25 Sept 2009 12:03am): happy bday junior! wish u all the best!
Vlizz Paredandan (
25 Sept 2009 12:05am): happy bday,, GBU
Lydia Natalia (
25 Sept 2009 12:06am): hpi bdae juju..... wish u al d best
Luthfi Adytra (
25 Sept 2009 12:06am): eh jun...happy birthday yaa....hahaha....traktir traktir!! =P
William Johan (25 Sept 2009 12:06am): jun, happy birthday y. all the best..
Istiqamah Hafid (
25 Sept 2009 12:11am): partner simpro kuu :) happy belated bday :D :D salam bwat baba :)
Mario Hadinata (
25 Sept 2009 12:11am): ko jun happy bday!! wish u all the best, GBU, Traktir!!! hahahaha
Marvelna Vidicia (
25 Sept 2009 12:15am): Jun, happy birthday, hope this age better than before
Hendra Kwik (
25 Sept 2009 12:16am): Hepi brthday ko, wish u al d best, hoho.. BBU.. Kpn ne mkn2? Ktany hobi mkn, hehehe
Lilsistah Artha (
25 Sept 2009 12:20am): happy bityhday ya (:
Cheren Anggie (
25 Sept 2009 12:23am): Happy bday ya Junior.. wish u the best.. GBU...
Heffvincia Epinee (
25 Sept 2009 12:26am): Happy Birthday !
Feri Wibisono (25 Sept 2009 12:28am): happy birthday.. wiz u all the bez ya..!!
Elicha Junita (
25 Sept 2009 12:29am): junnnn.. hepi bday yah :)))))
Agung Satriyadi Wibowo (
25 Sept 2009 12:30am): Selamat ulang tahun kawan..semoga semua cita2 kamu tercapai
Bessie U. Lucas (
25 Sept 2009 12:37am): Junn... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! semoga kerja prakteknya di Jakarta (atau Singapore ya hahahaha)..... smoga sehat2 slalu n smoga IP lu kembali menjadi 4! hehehhehhehee. God bless u always, my friend :))
Efrat Sadeli (
25 Sept 2009 12:39am): Hepii b'day bro.... wish u all the best :D
Andre Cuandra (
25 Sept 2009 12:43am): abang junior (padahal senior gw,haha) hepi bday yo..... wish u all d best la pokoknya haha ^^
Gilang 'Amank' Hardadi (
25 Sept 2009 12:43am): astagaa jun, rajin amat dah baca alflu, ckckck. Anyway happy bday yaak! Wishing u all the best!
Nyoman Susanto (
25 Sept 2009 12:55am): jun, happy B-day, wish u all the best, Gbu..
Mariska Septiana Putri (
25 Sept 2009 1:08am): Juniooor happy birthday...wish U all the best. One year older, one year better :)
Susi Susanty (
25 Sept 2009 1:09am): jun, happy b'day ya, semoga cepat jadi senior, haha
William Suryawan (
25 Sept 2009 1:10am): jun... happy birthday... wish u all the best...
Febrigia Ghana Rinaldi (
25 Sept 2009 1:16am): JUNIOR SETIAWAN!! jangan mentang2 loe ulang tahun hari ini.. trus,,loe berharap gw bakal mau jadi pelayan loe?? GAK ADA! JANGAN BERHARAP!! dasar,,manusia tidak tahu di untung! skrg,,gw cuma mau ngomong.. SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN! SMOGA PANJANG UMUR! SEHAT SELALU! puas?? PUAS????
Edo R. Jallil (
25 Sept 2009 1:25am): Happy Birthday Jun! ^^
Tony Kosasih (
25 Sept 2009 1:30am): Woi bang Junior! Happy Birthday bang... Wish you all the best lah.. walaupun mata bang Jun ilang... tapi bisa baca wallpost gw kan??? Peace... no Frontal.. :) Wakakakaka
Putu Eka Pramudita (
25 Sept 2009 1:44am): jun, hepi b'day ya... wish u all de beest ^_^ BBU
Vitri Louichya (
25 Sept 2009 1:51am): Hepi bday ya jun.. Wish u ol d best.. Gbu.. n_n
Yulian Praticno (
25 Sept 2009 1:59am): happy birhtday yah bang junior, wish u all the best.....
David Soendoro (
25 Sept 2009 3:08am): jun, happy birthday yak...
William Wimpy Prihadi (
25 Sept 2009 4:05am): Crutttt, selamat ulang tahun ya, panjang umur, sehat selalu, terbuka matanya dan hatinya, wakakakakakaka
Hendy Christianto Chandra (
25 Sept 2009 4:50am): Jun! Hppy b'day!!! Wis u al d bes!!!
Alvin Gunawan (
25 Sept 2009 5:30am): yooowww junnnn..hppy bdayyyy lhooo.. huehehehe..hope ur dreams will come trueeee..hehehe.. oiya lembar data udah d email sampeyan yaaa..huehehe.. hppy bdayy hahaha..
Arlavinda Rezqita (
25 Sept 2009 5:38am): Heh, tante2 galak! Happy birthday yaaa. . Moga sukses Alflunya. . Hahaha. .
Novita Dwi Putri Nugraheni (
25 Sept 2009 5:45am): kak, selamat ulang taun ya :) semoga panjang umur dan sehat selalu.hehe
Senni Muthia (
25 Sept 2009 6:12am): juuuun, HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAY :) moga sukses selalu!! :D
Nadya Natalia (
25 Sept 2009 6:19am): happy birthday junior! all the best :D -meno.nadya-
Luh Vita Nurima (
25 Sept 2009 6:20am): Happy birthday
Tata Tjhia (
25 Sept 2009 6:49am): Hai junimi.haha..hpi bday ya..wish u al d best ya..mkn2 g tggu.hahaha
Riri Puspita Sari (
25 Sept 2009 6:50am): juunn, pembokat galak, happy bird day! ntar gaji bulan depan dinaekin dah
Andrew Wangsa (
25 Sept 2009 6:55am): junn,happy b'day ^^
Nelly Setiawaty (
25 Sept 2009 7:51am): ko,epi b'dae y... wish u all d best..^^
Ariyamanggala Alphaputra Yaphet (
25 Sept 2009 7:55am): oi jun... happy birthday yo.. ^^
Julius Valenza (
25 Sept 2009 8:02am): Jun, hepi bday ya.. Smoga Alflu lu ga ada masalah kyk pompa meledak ato pipa bocor.. ^^
Rani Guslianti (
25 Sept 2009 8:09am): hai jun...met ulang taun y...semoga panjang umur..
Asthelita Savitri Sari (
25 Sept 2009 8:12am): happy birthday.. !!! wish u all d best.. =)
Felicia Angela (
25 Sept 2009 8:17am): Happy birthday!
Eka Savitri (
25 Sept 2009 8:20am): jun....happy birthday y... wish u all the best...^^
Andika Putra (
25 Sept 2009 8:25am): junior, happy birthday ya, wish u all the best
Tahrizi Andana (
25 Sept 2009 8:28am): OH MY GOD, junior ULANG TAHUN!?!??! HAPPY BIRTHDAY juuun, mg" makin sukses.. heeei,, ayo jun pasang house-music di HIM! (rock)
Ivan Hadinata Rimbualam (
25 Sept 2009 8:32am): JUN genduttt met ultah yaaa...kmrn gw bangun jm 12 malem sms malah ga dibls PARAH hjahahahahahahaa
Rani Resanti (
25 Sept 2009 8:40am): selamat ulang tahun junior setiawan! :D
Vivi Faliyanna (
25 Sept 2009 8:43am): hepy bday y..... wish u all d best.....
Putri Sekar Ayudiani (
25 Sept 2009 8:53am): Happy birthday om antagonissss. Jgn blajar mulu dah itu status loooo
Shelly Febrina (
25 Sept 2009 8:53am): jun..hepi birthday yak.. wish u all best ^^ gbu
Sabrina Adani Katili (
25 Sept 2009 8:58am): junnnnnh....hepi birthday..
Sofiani Makmun (
25 Sept 2009 9:05am): happy betdae junior...hehehe
Harris Ng (
25 Sept 2009 9:10am): happy birthday~! xD
Richard Jaya Sentosa (
25 Sept 2009 9:16am): happy b'day jun :) wish u all d best!
Mikael Aditya Chandra (
25 Sept 2009 9:28am): junn happy birthday yaa!
Ellini Mariati Lestari (
25 Sept 2009 9:35am): alow jun.. hepi b'day ya.. have a nice day.. Gbu!!
Michael Teddy (
25 Sept 2009 9:35am): happy b'day ko
Juli Sucipto (
25 Sept 2009 9:40am): HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Renata Amelia Tanudijaya (
25 Sept 2009 9:52am): Jun.. Happy birthday yaaa... Tambah banyak maennya jun.. Jangan blajar aja. Tar botak loh.. Haha...
Gondy Chen (
25 Sept 2009 9:52am): alow abang junior... hepi bdei yak... smoga cepet jd senior bosen toh jd junior mulu... hehe...
Angelina Setiadi (
25 Sept 2009 9:54am): happy birthday
Maria Magdalena Kristanti Nainggolan (
25 Sept 2009 9:58am): Happy birthday, junior. . :-)
Hendra Saicool (
25 Sept 2009 10:02am): met ultah ko...^^
Karmelita Anggrianto (
25 Sept 2009 10:08am): Kak Junior,,happy birthday..
Mely Soraya (
25 Sept 2009 10:10am): happy birthday ka... :)
Risca Yanditia (
25 Sept 2009 10:12am): juuuuun..happy birthdaaaay yaaa..!!! hehe..wish u ol de best...suxes alflunyaa..hehe..
Alfred Murni (
25 Sept 2009 10:28am): junior, selamat ulang tahun ya...smoga sukses slalu..
Handajaya Rusli (
25 Sept 2009 10:38am): eh boy ulang taun ya lu..selamat dulu lah yo
Anthony Christanto (
25 Sept 2009 10:40am): jun, happy birthday yah. wish u all d best.
Vienna Cicilia (
25 Sept 2009 10:41am): happpy bdaaaay juniorrrrr! best wishes for youuu...hiihihihi, come back soon jun..
Sheilly Widjaja (
25 Sept 2009 10:53am): happy birthday!
Yoppy Prasetya (
25 Sept 2009 10:54am): Junior, happy birthday! ^_^
Guntur Susanto (
25 Sept 2009 10:55am): happy birthday jun..
Kent Hakiki (
25 Sept 2009 10:59am): jun jun..happy birthday jun..
Andy Bhakti (
25 Sept 2009 11:12am): jun!! happy bday yahc... wish u all the best -andy&atyka-
Tan Shirly (
25 Sept 2009 11:17am): Happy bday Jun, hehe.. wish u all d best,, BBU ^^
Veea Dora (
25 Sept 2009 11:19am): Ko jun, hpy bday y! Wizh u ol d best.. Hehe BBU..=)
Joanna Malaon Soetanto (
25 Sept 2009 11:20am): Ko, happy b'day ya.. Wish u all the best, Gbu!
Huibert Tjokrobudyanto (
25 Sept 2009 11:26am): jun....makan2...hahaha...hepi bday ye...wish u all the best...
Made Cynthia Rini (
25 Sept 2009 11:31am): J U N I O R happy birthday for you
Sarmedi Sia (
25 Sept 2009 11:33am): JuNiORRRR... selamaat ultah ya...wish you all de best
Erido Abineri Pravasta (
25 Sept 2009 11:42am): kakak nim gw!! met ultah kak.. wish u all the best..
Cornelius Damar Hanung (
25 Sept 2009 11:43am): Jun, happy b'dayyyy
Novi (
25 Sept 2009 11:47am): juuuuuuun~ hepi betdei jun...sukses ya labteknya...beuh, liburan baca alflu...ckckck... ditunggu makan2nya...hahaha...
Ev En (
25 Sept 2009 12:03pm): happy bday jun...wiz u ol d bezt... GBU ^^
SabriNa Kimbum (
25 Sept 2009 12:04pm): Junior...epi b'dae...wish u all de bestt....Semoga pnjng umur. Sehat sll.. friend vo epha...
Fernandy Zhu (
25 Sept 2009 12:06pm): happy birthday junior.. =)
Rudy Bun (
25 Sept 2009 12:26pm): oit. . siong. . hepi b'daY. . wish u ol d best dah .. kl dah plg jakarta jj lage y. . haha. . ^^
Irine Meirianti Ishak (
25 Sept 2009 12:49pm): happy birthday! =)
Andriyana Miyano Santi (
25 Sept 2009 1:03pm): heppi bdeyy ya junnnn
Jefferson Kurniawan (
25 Sept 2009 1:07pm): Happy bday jun all the best...
Danu Kurniawan (
25 Sept 2009 1:17pm): Jun... Happy b'day yah...
Naritalia Tessanica Panjaitan (25 Sept 2009 1:18pm): happy bday junior..!!! All d bestt..
Ken Aditya (
25 Sept 2009 1:19pm): Ulangkan tahun mu
Handy Christian (
25 Sept 2009 1:46pm): Happy birthday Jun! Best wishes.. cheers!
Ray Putra Prajnamitra (
25 Sept 2009 1:47pm): jun happy bday yah! sukses slalu! BBU =D gmn kemurgi nih? wkwkwk
Devin Mardian (
25 Sept 2009 1:52pm): hepi birthday Jun!!! wish u all the best...sukses slalu...welcome to labtek world...hahahahaahha
Rina Noviyanti (
25 Sept 2009 2:08pm): Junior, happy birthday ya. All the best.
Ellen Aprilia (
25 Sept 2009 2:45pm): happy bday ya...wish u all the best...GBU
Oskar Osman (
25 Sept 2009 3:06pm): happy birthday junior...wish u all the best!!!
Connie Debora Florensia (
25 Sept 2009 3:14pm): met ultah kak,,, GBU
Vanesha Marcellina (
25 Sept 2009 3:25pm): just wished Junior Setiawan a Happy Birthday
Iva Mareta (
25 Sept 2009 3:28pm): happy b'day ya.. wish u all d best ^^
Maysarah Yulissa (
25 Sept 2009 4:22pm): mba ijaah, cepet pulang! cucian numpuk, rumah berantakan. hahaha. happy birtday. all the best juun.
Khasin Fuadi (
25 Sept 2009 4:29pm): happy b'day,.jun
Wilson Eddi Wijaya (
25 Sept 2009 4:35pm): jun.. happy birthday ya, semoga thn ini diperlancar n sukses di tekkim
Mario Withsler Harison (
25 Sept 2009 4:39pm): hepi b'day ya.. wish u all the best..
Agatha Anita Anastasia (
25 Sept 2009 4:44pm): happy birthday..wish u all d best
Wiwin Lukman (
25 Sept 2009 4:47pm): Junior, happy birthday... wis U all the best...
Hendra Tanoto (
25 Sept 2009 5:01pm): Happy Birthday. Wish u all the best
Bang Rizal (
25 Sept 2009 5:06pm): selamatulangtahunkakjunior!!
Phelia Kosasih (
25 Sept 2009 5:26pm): met ultah jun
Ongki Kurniawan (
25 Sept 2009 5:37pm): ko jun, hepi bday yap ! wish u all d best ! ^^
Anthony Nagasastra (
25 Sept 2009 6:07pm): selamat ulang tahun jun!
Louis Aditya Prasethio (
25 Sept 2009 6:30pm): Koko Junior, Happy birthday ya! Moga2 makin sukses! Sebagai asisten Termo kelas Pak Tirto, entar bantu gw ya~!
Albert Angkasa (
25 Sept 2009 6:37pm): hppy bday Junior Setiawan =))
Yesaya Rio (
25 Sept 2009 6:39pm): Ka jun met ultah!!
William Grinaldi (
25 Sept 2009 6:43pm): happy bday!
Petrick Gideon Effendi (
25 Sept 2009 6:55pm): hepi b'day bro... keep gokil...!!!!!!!
Herpurna Ahmad Futaqi (
25 Sept 2009 6:56pm): Selamat Ulang Tahun Kak Junior yang Pintarnya Selangit!!! :D
Anthony Hamzah (
25 Sept 2009 7:02pm): jun met ultah ya.... sukses labteknya, GBU abundantly :)
Berty Risanto (
25 Sept 2009 7:14pm): happy b'day jun.. wish u all d best..
Wigati Astuti (
25 Sept 2009 7:17pm): happy bday juuun.... ^^
Marilyn Ong (
25 Sept 2009 7:25pm): Junioooorrr..., Happy Birthday!!!!! hehehe, tetap bahagia2 selalu yup.., dan tetap jadi Junior yang rame, yg bikin org2 di sekitar u bahagia juga, hehehe... wish u all the best... dan sukses menjadi ***** ****, hihihi =P
Vita Wonoputri (
25 Sept 2009 7:29pm): junior hepi bday yaaa
Elizabeth Sutio (
25 Sept 2009 7:39pm): Junior, hepie bday..wish u all the best..^^
Margareta Laura Pattipeilohy (
25 Sept 2009 7:49pm): happpiiiii birthdaeeee juunn^^ wis u ol d best!! GBU
Iasci Simanjuntak (
25 Sept 2009 7:52pm): Jun, happy birthday ya:)many happy return:)
Stephanie Liana (
25 Sept 2009 8:58pm): Junet...hippie bday ya...wiz u ol d best....GBU always....hahahahah....
Ivana Ana (
25 Sept 2009 9:11pm): Jun, hepi bdae yah! Wish u ol d best.
Witarto (
25 Sept 2009 9:36pm): hai jun.. happy birthday
Christian Wu (
25 Sept 2009 9:36pm): hepi birthday^^
Ronald Adrian Laurence (
25 Sept 2009 9:52pm): happy bday jun.. wish u all d best y..
Elizabeth Valentin (
25 Sept 2009 10:07pm): junskiii happppyy birthday yaaa! smoga ga tambah nyolot ;p haha. canda junn, gbu
Rikardo Parulian Pardede (
25 Sept 2009 10:13pm): Junior, met ultah....
Damararose Rhisia (
25 Sept 2009 10:14pm): jun happy bday ya
Yogi Steven (
25 Sept 2009 10:15pm): met ultah y...gbu...sukses menyertaimu..wkwkwk...
Ignatius Widanta (
25 Sept 2009 10:20pm): Oi ngancrut, met ultah yah, jd skrg namalu jadi senior setiawan dong?
Eric Sanjaya (
25 Sept 2009 10:24pm): Hahaha.... Ndut hepi bday y, wkwkwk....Wiz u all da bez da, hehehe... Jgn lp mkn2 pokoke, hohoho....
Prama Dhona (
25 Sept 2009 10:26pm): met ultah y jun...
Andry Lijaya (
25 Sept 2009 10:43pm): jun happy bdayy jun allthebest
Sherliee Dudud (
25 Sept 2009 11:59pm): Happy bday yaa.. Wish euu all the best..
Ferryanto Tan (
26 Sept 2009 12:16am): jun... hepy bday ya... wish u all the best... sory telat... hehehe
Ronald Osmond (
26 Sept 2009 10:50am): jun hp bday yach, sori telat hehe
Stefanus Ryan (
26 Sept 2009 10:53am): jun, maap telat..hepi bdae y..hehe..kemaren ga buka komp..hehe
Gabriella Valentine (26 Sept 2009 8:13pm): juuuuuuunnnnnnnnnn....................... happy belated birthdayyyy :) sorry yaah telatt :( all the bestttttttt for u, jun....
Hans Kurniawan (27 Sept 2009 8:36pm): jun2... yaah.. maap tlat 2 hari.. hehehe.. pjg umur.. wish u all d best yah, GBU

Ya pemirsa, demikianlah ucapan2 yang gue dapet dari facebook. Banyak ya?? Itu belom yang sms ke hp langsung..

Sekali lagi gue seneng banget banyak yang ngucapin happy birthday ke gue.. Thank you so much guys. It means so much..hahahaa....

Ya, sekian update dari gue tentang ulang tahun gue. Salam hangat dari jari gue yang sekarang keriting, mata gue yang sekarang merah, dan perut gue yang lapernya minta ampun.


1 comment:

irin said...

halo junior... mau minta tolong dong, kalo ga keberatan tolong delete nama gw yg di blog lu ini ya jun. thank you...